Application center - Bertin Technologies

Application center

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695 results

Scientific publications

METABOLIC EXPLORER (Saint Beauzire, FR)...

Scientific publications

1 Integrated Research and Treatment Center, Center for Sepsis Control...

Scientific publications

Department of Biology, Norwegian University of Science and...

Scientific publications

1 Department of Cell and Molecular Physiology, UNC Neuroscience...

Scientific publications

This thesis was prepared at the Carmen laboratory, UMR INSERM 1060/...

Scientific publications

a Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Gaustadalleen 21, 0349...

Scientific publications

1 post-doctoral fellow at the School of Cancer Sciences, University...

Scientific publications

aCardiothoracic Pharmacology,, National Heart and Lung Institute,...

Scientific publications

† Department of Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve...

Scientific publications

1 Institute of Biotechnology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou,...

Scientific publications

1Neuro-gastroenterologie et Nutrition; UMR INRA/ENVT 1331; Toulouse,...

Scientific publications

1 Department of Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve...

Scientific publications

a Key Laboratory of Coastal Zone Environment,al Processes, Yantai...


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