Bertin Environics - Bertin Technologies

Bertin Environics

Bertin Environics is the Business Unit of the Bertin Technologies Group dedicated to monitoring CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear) threats.

In 2022, Bertin Technologies acquired Environics, a Finnish company with over 35 years’ experience in CBRN security worldwide. Bertin Environics thus becomes a subsidiary of the Bertin Technologies group, as well as the business unit that brings together the CBRN offerings of Bertin Technologies and Environics.

Bertin Environics is now Europe’s leading supplier of detection and early-warning devices and integrated CBRN monitoring solutions, including the SaphyRAD MS range of multi-probe radiameters for detecting and measuring radioactivity, and Bertin Environics’ best-known product, the ChemProX, a portable chemical detector for detecting and classifying CWA and TIC.

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