Bertin Instruments - Bertin Technologies

Bertin Instruments

Bertin Instruments is the Business Unit dedicated to the Nuclear and Health Physics market.

Bertin Instruments, a brand of Bertin Technologies group, is a privileged partner of the major French and international nuclear actors. Its wide range of instruments and systems, dedicated to the detection and the monitoring of ionizing radiations – Alpha, Bêta, Gamma, Neutron – covers the areas of measurement, surveillance and protection of people, facilities and the environment. Bertin Instruments thus offers stand-alone and mobile solutions especially designed to comply with the strongest requirements, in terms of quality, reliability & robustness:

• Dosimetry systems for the measurement of dose exposure on people;
• Survey meters: control and analysis devices;
• Contamination monitoring systems for the detection and concentration measurement in people, surfaces, objects exposed to ionizing radiations;
• Radiation portal monitors for pedestrians, luggage, vehicles & loads control;
• Fixed radiation monitoring systems for nuclear facilities;
• Environmental Radiation Monitoring Systems for the measurement of radioactivity in air, soil and water;
• Radon professional monitoring.


In addition, it offers after-sales solutions to maintain products and systems (either supplied by Bertin or other manufacturers) in good working conditions, throughout their operational life cycle. All services are fully compliant with the latest legal requirements in terms of radiation protection, and with CEFRI-E and COFRAC standards (certified calibration center for ionizing radiation, including two shielded rooms for radiometry and dosimetry).

Our customized approach is based on a product-specific and customer-focused organization to meet their advanced needs. We offer a high level of technical and scientific support and distribute our products and systems worldwide thanks to a wide network of local partners. Bertin Instruments is present at all stages in the life cycle of the products, services and systems, from initial design to obsolescence control.

The Bertin GmbH and Bertin Italia subsidiaries are attached to Bertin Instruments.



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