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Bertin Instruments at the Club des Radioprotectionnistes EDF | January 22 & 23, Strasbourg, France


Bertin Instruments will be present at the Club des Radioprotectionnistes (Health Physicists’ conference) show organized by EDF. Meet our experts at booth 19, 22nd and 23rd of January, at the Palace of Music and Congress of Strasbourg.

Our teams will present the SaphyRAD, new multiprobe contamination monitor choose by EDF to equip its 19 sites currently in operation in France. Adapted to contamination control needs, whether in the nuclear and NORM industries, but also for medical structures and emergency services, the SaphyRAD has now new large surface probes from 31 to 170cm². These probes will also be presented for the first time at the show.

With the recent evolution of the European regulation, the radon risk is today a major concern for the health physicists. Thanks to its high expertise in radioactivity detection, Bertin offers a range of tested and approved instruments , allowing a more effective control of the radon gas concentration.

Bertin Instruments also offers its customers a complete range of services and maintenance of radiation protection equipment: specialized professional teams, certified and authorized technicians and a COFRAC certified calibration center for ionizing radiation.

Discover the Saphygate G, the latest smart Radiation Portal Monitor for vehicle control.
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