On 11th and 12th of September 2018 Bertin performed a radon training at the Goce Delcev University in Stip, Republic of Macedonia, in cooperation with Bertin’s local partner Farmahem.

The training was done with scientists from the University “Goce Delcev” and covered a wide range of radon topics:
– Discussions about physics, occurrence and origin, dispersion, health risk, legislations, preventions, measurements, mitigation…
– Overview of Bertin’s radon product range with the AlphaE as well as the AlphaGUARD and its wide range of accessories for radon measurements
– Application examples: in-house measurements, remote radon monitoring, applications in mining industries and calibration facilities.

The main part of the training was the demonstration of Bertin’s Radon monitor AlphaGUARD for the measurement of Thoron and Radon progenies. The equipment will be used mainly by the department of mineral deposits of the Goce Delcev University. Bertin’s Soil Gas Probe will be used to measure radon in soils and Bertin’s AquaKIT will be used to measure radon in water samples.
This training, performed by the Radon Product Manager, was a great opportunity to initiate an interactive exchange with the scientists from the University and keep a close relationship with AlphaGUARD daily users.