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Bertin Technologies, a privileged partner for Environmental Radiation Monitoring


Bertin Technologies, a CNIM group company, has been chosen by Switzerland and the European Commission – on behalf of Armenia – to provide environmental radiation monitoring systems (ERMS) within the scope of two international contracts.

The Swiss authorities have tasked Bertin Technologies to renew their MADUK* and NADAM** radiation monitoring networks; whereas the Armenian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ANRA), within the framework of a project funded by the European Union***, have entrusted it with the supplying of equipment aiming at improving environmental radiation monitoring near the Metsamor nuclear power plant in Armenia.

Designed by Bertin Technologies, these radiation monitoring solutions aim at protecting both the environment and populations by especially measuring the radioactivity in air, soil and water around nuclear facilities. They include a broad range of sensors, including gamma dose measurements, air monitoring, and spectroscopic analysis for radionuclide identification, whose collected data is transmitted through secured proof channels. A central data management system then allows managing, analyzing and visualizing the situation in real time.

Convinced by the expertise, the reliability and the special attention given by Bertin Technologies to their specific needs, ANRA and Switzerland thus put their trust in it. The CNIM group company therefore continues to reassert itself as a privileged partner for key players in the nuclear industry.

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* MADUK is an automatic dose-rate monitoring network set up in 1993 in the vicinity of nuclear facilities. Operated by the Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI), it consists of four subsidiary networks including 57 monitoring stations located within a radius of 6 kilometers of each Swiss nuclear power plant and the Paul Scherrer Institute, the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences in Switzerland.
** NADAM is the nationwide emergency monitoring system for gamma radiation operated by NAZ, the federal center of expertise for exceptional incidents, a division of the Federal Office for Civil Protection. It consists of 76 stationary stations and 30 mobile monitoring stations all over the country.
*** Project funded by European Union EuropeAid/139508/DH/SUP/AM ProjectA3.01/15A