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Bertin Technologies selected for a European CBRN protection cooperation

Bertin Technologies selected for a European CBRN protection cooperation Bertin Technologies 44832

The EDIDP’s CBRN Reconnaissance and Surveillance System project has been selected by the European commission

Aiming at improving European capabilities for Chemical, Biological Radiological and Nuclear risk detection, early warning and surveillance, the CBRN RSS project brings together technologies from 15 EU institutes and companies, including Bertin.

Led by the Austrian Institute of Technology, the project of the European Defence Industrial Development Programme is implementing a concept based on unmanned systems with modular payloads, that can adapt to each type of CBRN threat.

The CBRN RSS project will provide users with greater flexibility and modularity thanks to numerous sensors, samplers, and platforms that will transfer the information collected to a remote control and command system. This report will be then forwarded to decision-making bodies in a standard NATO format, thus deepening threat understanding and enhancing  responsiveness, while ensuring operators’ maximum safety.

Bertin Technologies is contributing to the CBRN RSS project with three detection and sampling instruments: biological air sampler Coriolis Compact for air safety monitoring, stand-off gas cloud detector Second Sight MS, and a new UAV capable gas sampler.

Including a database of 50 gases, this highly sophisticated camera can detect and identify Toxic Industrial Components (TIC) and Chemical Warfare Agents (CWA) up to 5km, with the widest field of view. The Second Sight MS also distinguishes itself by its unique gas-X feature, to detect unknown, impure or mixed gases that are not registered in the database.

As for the Coriolis Compact, it is a dry cyclonic air sampler developed with the French Defense Procurement Agency (Direction Générale de l’Armement DGA). Due to its small footprint, this all-terrain microbiological air sampler can be integrated into the smallest autonomous equipment such as EDIDP’s CBRN Reconnaissance and Surveillance system, to detect potential pathogens.

Thanks to support from the DGA and the collaboration of all parties involved, this project is a first step toward a European modular and responsive CBRN reconnaissance and surveillance system that will significantly improve population protection.


* European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP)