Following the acquisition of Saphymo in 2015, Bertin and the CEA List – the institute specialized in smart digital systems – of the French Alternative Energies & Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) are collaborating on several projects of Research & Development for the detection of ionizing radiations.

On October 10, 2019, the two entities renewed their partnership for the support of innovation in the following fields:

  • Gamma spectrometry
  • New light detectors for handheld spectrometry probes
  • Performance enhancements for the radiation portal monitor, SaphyGATE G & SaphyGATE GN

For three years, the Institute of sensors & electronic architectures (Laboratoire des Capteurs et Architectures Electroniques LCAE) and the Henri Becquerel Laboratory – two sub-divisions of CEA List – will support Bertin in the Research & Development of innovative solutions dedicated to its following ranges: Health Physics, Environmental Radiation Monitoring Systems (ERMS), & radiation portal monitors.

Established in 2016, this partnership agreement is valid for 3 years, and is renewable.