Business cases


Second Sight® MS watched the finish line at Boston Marathon 2017!

03 May 2017

In April 2017, Bertin Instruments went to Boston to present its device, Second Sight MS standoff gas cloud detector, and help for the surveillance of the Boston marathon. For this event, two Second Sight MS were deployed to monitor the arrival of the marathon, on Boylston Street. The Second Sight MS were placed face to […]


EDF – Rapid response for major radiological accidents

18 May 2016

Bertin Instruments radiation detection probes delivered to the French nuclear operator are to be deployed in the event of an emergency. Shortly after the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in March 2011, a need for additional safety measures became obvious. On the recommendation of the French nuclear safety regulator (ASN), EDF suggested creating […]

Bertin Instruments - Radon safety

Surveying for radon on an oil platform

18 May 2016

AlphaGUARD and AlphaPM used for radon and radon progeny risk assessment on an oil platform. Molycorp Mountain Pass Minerals Mine, USA, have begun enhancing and modernizing their facilities. AlphaGUARD and AlphaPM have been used for a study to compare passive radon thoron detectors (track etch detectors) and real-time detectors (AlphaGUARD). In the case of passive […]

BC - Coriolis Institut Pasteur

Coriolis µ at the Pasteur Institute

18 May 2016

The Coriolis µ bio-air sampler is used at the Pasteur Institute for virus collection in laboratory and hospital conditions. The Pasteur institute is an international research institute of excellence and renowned for its virus studies. In order to analyze the airborne transmission of viruses, the Coriolis air sampler has been used under laboratory conditions and […]

Bertin Instruments - BSL4 lab Precellys

Precellys Evolution in a BSL-4 Lab

18 May 2016

The Precellys Evolution has been set up in a BSL-4 research laboratory for the recovery of viable single cell suspensions from non-human primate samples. The Precellys equipment, initially developed for meeting BSL-3 lab requirements, has been installed in Leidos Biomedical Research laboratory, one of four BSL-4 laboratories operational in the US, for the AIDS and […]

Bertin Instruments - air-sampler_Singapore

Coriolis air sampler used to study Singapore’s biosphere

18 May 2016

Several units of Coriolis µ Biological air sampler have been recently delivered to the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. The Coriolis µ equipment will be used to realize a huge environmental project planned for the next few years. Several units of Coriolis µ Biological air sampler have been recently delivered to the Nanyang Technological University […]

Bertin Instruments - dark tunnel with light

Radon risk assessment in underground workplaces in the UK

18 May 2016

AlphaE instruments have been supplied to a UK mine for Radon risk assessment in underground workplaces. The instrument is also used for personnel radon monitoring under harsh conditions and with high air humidity. Integrated Radiological Services (IRS) Ltd, the UK’s high-quality supplier of radiation protection services, supplied United Utilities with eight AlphaE personnel radon exposure […]

Bertin Instruments - gas-detection_LAPD

Second Sight gas detection camera delivered to the LAPD

18 May 2016

The Bertin Instruments gas detection camera, Second Sight, has been delivered to the LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department) for real-time surveillance of critical areas such as stadiums or fan zones during mass events. Second Sight, the Bertin Instruments gas detection camera, has been delivered to the LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department). This valuable customer is […]


Implementation of a radiological emergency monitoring system for Bruce Power NPP

18 May 2016

The Bruce Power nuclear power plant (BP NPP) in Ontario, Canada, is the largest nuclear generating station in the world, operating eight nuclear reactors producing 6300 MW. In line with Bruce Power’s safety culture, “Safety first” and continuous improvements are essential and substantial elements of the Bruce Power philosophy and management system. After the Fukushima […]

Bertin Instruments-Egypt

National radioactivity monitoring network – Egypt

18 May 2016

The Egypt State awarded Bertin Instruments the contract to establish a national radioactivity monitoring network. In case of a radiological incident, warning stations installed in strategic locations will allow for rapid crisis management even in degraded environmental conditions. Saphymo delivered at the end of 2015 a first radioactivity monitoring network for the Egyptian State. In […]


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