
FusionSight, finalist for the Milipol Innovation Awards – Try it booth #6R089! Bertin Technologies 13366

FusionSight, finalist for the Milipol Innovation Awards – Try it booth #6R089!

03 Nov 2017

Bertin Instruments is proud to announce that FusionSight is a finalist for the Milipol Innovation Awards, in the category “Individual Equipment / First Responder Protection”. FusionSight’s world-first smart digital fusion between thermal and color visible low light sensors, undoubtedly brings operational advantages. It is closer to human vision than the thermal vision alone. Observation is […]

header SS Silver Seal of Quality

Precellys awarded with the Silver Seal of Quality from Select Science®!

30 Oct 2017

Precellys was just upgraded in the new SelectScience® Seal of Quality program, acknowledging the products that have consistently received the highest review ratings. This program was developed in order to further assist scientists when making important purchase decisions. These Seals are assigned to only 0.1 % of the products showcased on the SelectScience® website, and […]


Determine on-site the radon concentration in water: sampling & on-line methods

23 Oct 2017

Radon can dissolve and build up in water from underground sources. If water comes from a well, it may contain Radon. Radon in the water dissolves and escapes into the air during household water use, especially when it is heated. An easy-to-handle experimental setup for the on-site determination of the Radon concentration in water samples […]

SaphyGATE-1st installation

First and successful installation of the new SaphyGATE G radiation portal monitor!

20 Oct 2017

Bertin Instruments is proud to announce the first official installation of the new SaphyGATE G portal monitor on October 09, 2017, for the scrap metal dealer GALLOO, in Dunkirk, France (about 15 km from the Gravelines nuclear power plant). After a first experience with an old generation portal monitor, GALLOO wanted to replace it with […]


Discover our radiation protection services | Watch the video!

12 Oct 2017

Bertin Instruments, with the expertise of Saphymo, offers for more than 60 years service solutions to the design and control radiation protection devices. In labs, factories or directly on site, an international team of experts is dedicated to our customers. They perform preventive and corrective maintenance of health physics and radiation monitoring instruments in order […]


New InCellis App: Get an absolute cell count!

12 Oct 2017

As an accurate cell counting is essential to most experiments, Bertin Instruments launches a new app for its InCellis cell imager: Total Cell Counting. Thank to this app, the user can obtain an absolute total cell count, thus enabling him to estimate the total number of cells in the chosen vessel. The app generates detailed […]


New civilian version for FusionSight

05 Oct 2017

Bertin Instruments is proud to announce the release of a civilian version for FusionSight. Based on the military digital night & day vision device, FusionSight’s civilian version displays the same state-of-the-art characteristics (with thermal and fusion channels displaying at 9Hz) and a brand new design. Specially conceived for security needs in land and at sea, […]

Raise the awareness on Alzheimer’s disease Bertin Technologies 11147

Raise the awareness on Alzheimer’s disease

21 Sep 2017

World Alzheimer’s Day is an opportunity for all Alzheimer organizations to raise the awareness about Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This year  the theme of ‘Remember me’ was chosen to highlight the importance of early detection and diagnosis of dementia. The World Health Organization declares that “The total number of people with dementia worldwide in 2010 is […]


Land Situational Awareness (LSA) and Driver Vision Enhancement (DVE) with PeriSight® | New video !

23 Aug 2017

PeriSight®, the Bertin Instruments’ camera module based system, was assessed by the French Defense Procurement Agency (DGA) and the Technical Section of the French Army (STAT), on a light-armored vehicle (VB2L). During this project, two configurations were tested to perform Land Situational Awareness (LSA) and Driver Vision Enhancement (DVE): Centralized: one PeriSight® Fisheye and two […]


Discover the richness of microorganism in Polar Regions

10 Aug 2017

Global warming is one of the main challenge worldwide for the coming years. Scientists have already warned the international community regarding the increasingly rapid melt of the ice caps and its dramatic consequences around the globe. Polar regions are the most isolated place on Earth, uninhabited due to their harsh climate conditions. The study of […]


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