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Coriolis combined with EnviroX-Rv tests for environmental monitoring for SARS-CoV-2 detection

Coriolis combined with EnviroX-Rv tests for environmental monitoring for SARS-CoV-2 detection Bertin Technologies 27291

Bertin Instruments and PathogenDx join forces in the fight against Covid-19 to create an innovative solution for airborne virus detection in air samples.

This new solution consists of the Coriolis air sampler (Bertin Instruments) and the EnviroX-Rv kit (PathogenDx), based on a RT-qPCR+ PCR-DNA microarray hybridization technology. Thanks to the Coriolis high collection efficiency and the high sensitivity of EnviroX-Rv, SARS-CoV-2 detection results can be obtained in less than 10 hours.  This solution can also be adapted to the detection of other viruses in the air.

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