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Did you know about mycology?

Did you know about mycology? Bertin Technologies 55982

Mycology is a science that focuses on the study of fungi, including their genetic and biochemical properties and the effects they might have on humans.

Fungi can form numerous structures, including mold.  Molds are microscopic fungi found in different environments: air, soil, plants, animals, and humans. They are associated with a high level of moisture.

Molds disperse spores in the ambient air and release toxins or microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs).  Although not all types of mold cause diseases, for some people, inhaling these particles can lead to various respiratory symptoms (runny nose, wheezing, coughing, headache, etc.), including toxic mold syndrome and mold-induced hypersensitivity.

In order to prevent potential infections, it is important to regularly monitor the air quality in the environment. Bertin Technologies produces fast and reliable Coriolis air samplers, specifically developed to be more efficient than traditional indoor or outdoor air quality monitoring systems. Compatible with both PCR and next-generation sequencing techniques, the Coriolis has been used to study the fungal biomass in bioaerosols for over a decade.

Learn more about mycology and fungi in this article published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences.


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