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Endocrine disruptors’ impact on 20-hydroxyecdysone levels in arthropods


Endocrine disruptors (EDC) can provoke endocrine system dysfunctions and consequently population decline, which could lead to long term ecosystem’s jeopardy. It is then crucial to study them thoroughly.

A team of scientists aimed to study the impact of the CLD – an insecticide which was widely used in French West Indies until 1993 – on the concentration of the 20-hydroxyecdysone in the decapod Macrobrachium rosenbergii (in vivo), which is a key hormone of the arthropod endocrine system.

The scientists chose to use the Precellys® Evolution homogenizer for its high extraction yield and protocol reproducibility. They also employed a Bertin Bioreagent ELISA kit, allowing proper analysis of the Macrobrachium rosenbergii muscle tissue and accurate measurement of the impact of CLD.

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