Validation of an aqua spectroscopic measurement system by the radiochemical laboratory of Framatome - Bertin Technologies

Validation of an aqua spectroscopic measurement system by the radiochemical laboratory of Framatome

Sources: FramatomeGmbH (former AREVA GmbH) Validation report no. DTICC-G/2017/en/0108


The radiological contamination of water can have important health, social or economical consequences. The SpectroTRACER Aqua probe, provided by Bertin Instruments, allows to measure gamma dose rate and qualify the nature of the gamma radiation in water, for the nuclear industry, homeland security forces or emergency teams.

A validation test has been performed on the SpectroTRACER Aqua by an independent organism, the radiochemical laboratory of Framatome GmbH (former AREVA GmbH) in Erlangen, Germany.


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