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Highlight the Everolimus metabolic effects on breast cancer

pink october

examen pink october

In this study, researchers examine the effects of two drugs, everolimus and metformin, on triple-negative breast cancer.  Everolimus blocks a protein called mTOR, while metformin blocks part of the mitochondria, the energy powerhouses of cells.
They found that everolimus reduced products of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, a key energy-producing process, and inhibited an enzyme called pyruvate carboxylase. In contrast, metformin has little effect on glycolysis products, another energy-producing process, both in the laboratory and in animals.


The use of Precellys Evolution* helped to measure different TCA and glycolysis products, which in turn enabled us to understand how everolimus and metformin affect mitochondrial activity under different conditions, using glucose radiolabeling.


*equivalent to Precellys Evolution Touch


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