For almost 2 years, the French space project TELEO has been deployed and operational. It brings together several major players in the field of space technologies and optical communications: Airbus Defence and Space, CNES (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales), Safran Data Systems, as well as OGS Technologies and Bertin Technologies. This initiative aims to establish very high-speed optical communications links.

TELEO’s main objective is to demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of laser links between a geostationary satellite and a ground station. With this technology, data can be transmitted much faster than through traditional radio systems.

For the space segment, Bertin Winlight (a brand of Bertin Technologies), plays a key role by designing and developing the FiTT (Fiber to Telescope Terminal), the free space optics transceiver of the demonstrator, in close collaboration with Airbus. This optical communications device, intended for operation in geostationary orbit, is designed to establish bidirectional high-speed laser links with a ground station. This cutting-edge technology is essential to guarantee extreme precision in receiving and transmitting optical signals, which is crucial to achieving the revolutionary data rates targeted and achieved by the project.

For the ground segment, the link was enabled by the unique adaptive optics system developed by Bertin Alpao (a subsidiary of Bertin Technologies) and installed on the OGSTECH and FEELINGS ground stations. Bertin Alpao developed a deformable mirror with almost 300 actuators that compensate in real time for the adverse effects of atmospheric turbulence.

Bertin Technologies’ advanced expertise plays a key role in the innovation and competitiveness of the TELEO project.

Laser optical communication systems offer considerable advantages:

– Very high-speed transmission using proven fiber-optic data transfer principles,

– Secure communication thanks to directional laser beams,

– No frequency conflicts, unlike RF (Radio Frequency) technologies,

– Reduced infrastructure impact needed to ensure data transmission (less space used, fewer antennas, less power consumption and less electromagnetic pollution).

In conclusion, TELEO is paving the way for the future of space telecommunications by offering fast and reliable systems, perfectly suited to the growing demand for data transfer. The TELEO terminal is currently on extended standby and is due to be reactivated in 2025/2026 for new adventures. Bertin Technologies and its teams are proud to be part of this major project.