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Meet Bertin Instruments’ team @Neuroscience 2018, booth #2017, Hall E


The Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience is about to start. From November 3rd to 7th, more than 30,000 scientists and researchers are coming from all over the world to attend the event in San Diego, CA.

Don’t miss our poster presentation “Accurate and rapid estimation of cell culture confluency, transfection efficency and total cell number” taking place on November the 6th, from 1 p.m to 5 p.m, SDCC, Hall B-H. This presentation will be presented by François Dhubert, Precellys product manager.

Join our team at booth #2017 in Hall E to discover our comprehensive range of solutions, helping researchers throughout their workflow from collection to sample analysis. Don’t miss our daily free demos by our experts, presenting :

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