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Meet us at ISOE (Brussels) to discover our Saphymo nuclear offer – 1 and 2 June 2016

Bertin Instruments - Scientists Working In A Fusion Reactor

Scientists Working In A Fusion Reactor --- Image by © Monty Rakusen/cultura/Corbis

Bertin Instruments will showcase its Saphymo nuclear offer at ISOE, Square Brussels Meeting Center, 1 and 2 June 2016. Come to the booth n°2 and meet our team!

The International Symposium on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) Symposium is targeted at a wide range of professionals concerned with radiological protection for NPPs issues. Saphymo, the leading brand for nuclear equipment in the Bertin Instruments portfolio, will showcase at this event its high-ended radiation detection and measurement solutions.

Those instruments meet the demanding needs of specific nuclear actors and are mainly dedicated to Environmental Radiation Monitoring, Access control, Radon measurement and Dosimetry.

Join us at the Square Brussels Meeting Center on 1 and 2 June in booth n°2 for the next ISOE meeting, to find out more about our complete nuclear activity line!