Bertin Instruments enhanced the SaphyRAD, its universal and ergonomic contamination monitor, by equipping it with new smart and exchangeable probes to enforce their easy use and adapt them to the needs of the nuclear, medical and life sciences sector.

The SaphyRAD already had the advantage of facilitating radiation detection thanks to its intuitive interface and its library of 20 radionuclides. With its newest probes, it will reinforce its performance and be suitable for all contamination controls.

Four exchangeable probes have been developed to detect alpha, beta and gamma contamination, in the sectors at risk. In order to ensure both direct (personal & surface control) and indirect measurements (smear tests), a “small surface” probe and three “large surface” probes are available for the SaphyRAD with a detection surface up to 170cm2.

A reinforced measurement window

“The sensors of these probes are equipped with a measurement window to protect them and to prevent the light from passing through, which could false the results. In order to detect radiations, Mylar is used, a very slim and fragile material” says Julien Villert, radioprotection product manager. To prevent ripping, this matter has been strengthened with three layers to ensure a better resistance.

Probes adapted to use

“The main risk in nuclear power plants in operation is the beta risk, while the nuclear fuel cycle industry faces both alpha and beta risks. In nuclear medicine, the main concern will be beta gamma rays but the alpha risk exists in some medical fields such as alpha-immunotherapy”, Julien VILLERT outlines. Each large area probe is specialized in the measurement of a specific radiation or a mix of radiation (i.e. the 2 measuring channel probes) without excluding the others, to be adaptable to the specificities of each industry, be it the nuclear fuel cycle & dismantling in nuclear industry, the life sciences sector or nuclear medicine.


Finally, a last innovation completes the instrument. “Our probes are all equipped with a proximity sensor that ensures a correct position of the probe, and thus an accurate measurement (from 1 to 4 centimeters from the object or the person that is checked). If the green indicator incorporated in the probe turns on, it means that the monitoring is accurately performed” Julien Villert explains. In addition, for a fast alert even without watching the probe’s monitor, all probes are equipped with a red indicator that turns on in case of contamination.

The probes, associated with the new functionalities of the SaphyRAD, offers to the sectors working with radioactive materials the possibility to prevent contamination and to react quickly to protect their personal, equipment and facilities.

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