News - Bertin Technologies


[Application Notes] DNA & RNA extraction from animal tissues with Precellys extraction kits Bertin Technologies 45319

[Application Notes] DNA & RNA extraction from animal tissues with Precellys extraction kits

04 Feb 2022

DNA or RNA extractions are routine techniques in many molecular biology laboratories. In these 2 new Application Notes, we present the results obtained using the Precellys Tissue DNA Extraction Kit & the Precellys Tissue Total RNA Extraction Kit with the Precellys 24 Touch tissue homogenizer and how they compare to some of our competitors. Read […]

[White Paper] Monitor airborne pathogen transmission in hospitals with the Coriolis air samplers Bertin Technologies 45282

[White Paper] Monitor airborne pathogen transmission in hospitals with the Coriolis air samplers

02 Feb 2022

The emergence of new respiratory viruses such as the SARS-CoV-2 virus or avian influenza has highlighted the importance of understanding the transmission of airborne pathogens within healthcare settings. Bertin Instruments has developed air samplers that can be used for the rapid detection and monitoring of airborne pathogens within healthcare facilities, the Coriolis air samplers. In […]

Bertin Technologies selected for a European CBRN protection cooperation Bertin Technologies 44832

Bertin Technologies selected for a European CBRN protection cooperation

01 Feb 2022

The EDIDP’s CBRN Reconnaissance and Surveillance System project has been selected by the European commission Aiming at improving European capabilities for Chemical, Biological Radiological and Nuclear risk detection, early warning and surveillance, the CBRN RSS project brings together technologies from 15 EU institutes and companies, including Bertin. Led by the Austrian Institute of Technology, the […]

[App Note] Get high molecular weight DNA compatible with your NGS workflows Bertin Technologies 44960

[App Note] Get high molecular weight DNA compatible with your NGS workflows

20 Jan 2022

In this new application note, discover how Precellys Evolution homogenizer has been used to isolate nuclei from Cannabis sativa plant cells and obtain high molecular weight DNA, compatible with NGS long-read sequencing techniques. Download the application note 

Winlight grinds the baseplate of the near-infrared spectrometer of James Webb Space Telescope Bertin Technologies 63342

Winlight grinds the baseplate of the near-infrared spectrometer of James Webb Space Telescope

29 Dec 2021

On Wednesday, December 22, at 13H20 UTC, Ariane 5 ECA lifted off from the Guiana Space Center, Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, successfully deploying JWST. Focus on the World’s biggest spacecraft and Winlight’s contribution. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a 6.2-ton satellite developed by NASA, in partnership with the European Space Agency […]

What to remember in 2021 in Life Sciences Bertin Technologies 44665

What to remember in 2021 in Life Sciences

29 Dec 2021

The end of the year 2021 is the perfect opportunity to take a look back at what will have marked the Life Sciences team.     Any questions? Contact us!

[Webinar] Your DNA and RNA workflows with Precellys Bertin Technologies 44257

[Webinar] Your DNA and RNA workflows with Precellys

03 Dec 2021

Bertin Health & Life Sciences together with SelectScience were pleased to held a webinar session on December 1st, 2021, dedicated to the power of Precellys for your DNA and RNA workflows. The replay is now available on demand! Learning outcomes of this session: • Tips and tricks for your homogenization protocols • High-quality nucleic acids […]

Bertin launches Precellys Nucleic Acid Extraction Kits Bertin Technologies 44136

Bertin launches Precellys Nucleic Acid Extraction Kits

26 Nov 2021

Bertin Bioreagent is now offering two kits to extract DNA and total RNA from animal tissues. These kits are part of a complete sample preparation workflow that starts with tissue homogenization using Precellys® instruments and whose quality has been validated by Bertin Life Sciences R&D team. Our Precellys Tissue DNA Extraction Kit and our Precellys […]

2021 WNE Awards finalists announced: Bertin’s radiation portal monitor SaphyGATE GN is one of them! Bertin Technologies 44074

2021 WNE Awards finalists announced: Bertin’s radiation portal monitor SaphyGATE GN is one of them!

22 Nov 2021

Bertin and parent-company CNIM will be present at the World Nuclear Exhibition – WNE, the first platform dedicated to the civil nuclear sector, organized by GIFEN from November 30 to December 2, 2021. Let’s meet at the Paris Nord Villepinte exhibition complex to have a chat with our multidisciplinary teams at stand no. J76 (Hall […]

Precellys 24 Touch: the new born of the tissue homogenizers range Bertin Technologies 43980

Precellys 24 Touch: the new born of the tissue homogenizers range

16 Nov 2021

Bertin Instruments launches the Precellys 24 Touch, a new intuitive tissue homogenizer to prepare any kind of biological sample, from the softest to the hardest, regardless of its origin (animal tissues, plant tissues, microorganisms…).   Bertin’s team lead wire for the development of this instrument has been to consider and integrate all the feedback collected […]


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