News - Bertin Technologies


Maritime Search & Rescue virtual event: Bertin responds present! Bertin Technologies 27284

Maritime Search & Rescue virtual event: Bertin responds present!

11 May 2020

From May 13 to 14, 2020, Bertin – a CNIM Group company – will participate in its first virtual trade exhibition – the Maritime Search & Rescue event – initially organized in Tallin, Estonia, by Defence Leaders in partnership with the Estonian Police & Border Guard Board. As search & rescue organizations are conducting more […]

Detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA with Coriolis μ air sampler Bertin Technologies 27279

Detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA with Coriolis μ air sampler

05 May 2020

The current Covid-19 pandemic is exposing the need for reliable solutions for airborne contamination control in healthcare settings. Bertin Instruments has developed Coriolis μ , a cyclonic air sampler that can be used coupled with rapid microbiology techniques to detect airborne viruses, including coronaviruses. The Coriolis μ is used by Imperial College London scientists to […]

Bertin Instruments, a partner of the healthcare sector Bertin Technologies 27273

Bertin Instruments, a partner of the healthcare sector

20 Apr 2020

Bertin presents its global offer dedicated to the healthcare sector; effective and innovative solutions for the multiple challenges of the sector: – SaphyRAD: a health physics instrument for searching and measuring radiation to ensure the protection of people in exposed environments such as hospitals – Coriolis, Precellys: modern and efficient laboratory equipment for airborne contamination […]

The air sampler Coriolis µ (Micro), developed and provided by Bertin Technologies, used in Asia and Europe to collect Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), and help combat its spread Bertin Technologies 27267

The air sampler Coriolis µ (Micro), developed and provided by Bertin Technologies, used in Asia and Europe to collect Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), and help combat its spread

09 Apr 2020

The Coriolis µ air samplers, from Bertin Technologies, has been extensively used by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of Shenzhen and Guangzhou, as well as the South China Institute of Environmental Sciences to collect  coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 responsible for COVID-19 and clearly evaluate the risk of aerosol contamination in critical areas. It is […]

Exensor Technology & the Dutch Defense Material Organisation announce the signature of an 8-year framework agreement for the supply of Unmanned Unattended Ground Sensor (UUGS) systems Bertin Technologies 27261

Exensor Technology & the Dutch Defense Material Organisation announce the signature of an 8-year framework agreement for the supply of Unmanned Unattended Ground Sensor (UUGS) systems

02 Apr 2020

On January 28, 2020, Exensor Technology – a subsidiary of Bertin Technologies (CNIM Group) – was successfully awarded a new contract with the Netherlands Ministry of Defence to supply Flexnet, an Unmanned Unattended Ground Sensor (UUGS) system. The first batch of systems will be delivered to the Royal Netherlands Army in Summer 2020. Exensor Technology secured an 8-year […]

COVID-19 : Bertin continue d’assurer ses activités essentielles Bertin Technologies 27255

COVID-19: Bertin ensures the continuity of its core activities

31 Mar 2020

In light of the global spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, Bertin has a special thought for those who are mobilized to stop the disease. EMPLOYEE PROTECTION Implementing national & international governmental measures aiming at limiting the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, & complying with the World Health Organization (WHO) directives, Bertin has established preventive actions […]

Minilys brings standardization in viral metagenomics studies Bertin Technologies 27249

Minilys brings standardization in viral metagenomics studies

17 Mar 2020

The lack of validated methods for high-throughput virome analysis has long been an obstacle in the understanding of the human gut virome. For this reason, studying and knowing the impact of each step leading to result of virome analysis is crucial. In a recent article, a group has been using a mock-virome community sample (containing […]

Exensor & the Belgium Ministry of Defense announce the signature of a framework agreement for the supply of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) Bertin Technologies 27240

Exensor & the Belgium Ministry of Defense announce the signature of a framework agreement for the supply of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)

02 Mar 2020

On December 24, 2019, Exensor – a subsidiary of Bertin Technologies (CNIM Group) – was selected by the Belgian Ministry of Defense for the supply & maintenance of rapidly deployable Intrusion Detection Systems for mobile surveillance in permanent or temporary locations. The first batch of systems will be delivered in Spring 2020. Following a restricted invitation to […]

New European regulation for waste incineration: Bertin, your reliable ally for radiation monitoring Bertin Technologies 26452

New European regulation for waste incineration: Bertin, your reliable ally for radiation monitoring

21 Jan 2020

On November 12th, 2019, the European Commission reached the Best Available Techniques (BAT) conclusions, under Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, for waste incineration. Its main objectives are improving the overall environmental performance, by planning and implementing the necessary procedures, as well as the preventing & corrective actions to avoid environmental […]

Meet our experts on Health Physics & environment monitoring during the annual meeting of EURADOS I 27-30 January I Florence, Italy Bertin Technologies 26114

Meet our experts on Health Physics & environment monitoring during the annual meeting of EURADOS I 27-30 January I Florence, Italy

08 Jan 2020

Our team is back at EURADOS, the annual meeting organized by the European Radiation Dosimetry Group to be held from January 27thto 30th 2020 at the Hotel Mediterraneo in Florence, Italy. This event will be a great opportunity to discover our solutions for: Environmental monitoring with GammaTRACER Spider, our emergency probe for gamma monitoring. Radiation […]


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