News - Bertin Technologies


LEAP-2 detection with Bertin Bioregeant ELISA kit Bertin Technologies 68119

LEAP-2 detection with Bertin Bioregeant ELISA kit

17 May 2024

LEAP-2 helps regulate inflammatory responses and maintain microbiota balance. Discover the high performance of LEAP-2, the new ELISA kit from Bertin Bioregeant.

Bertin equips Bosnia and Herzegovina with a complete system for radiation monitoring Bertin Technologies 67569

Bertin equips Bosnia and Herzegovina with a complete system for radiation monitoring

03 May 2024

In 2023, Bosnia and Herzegovina finalized the implementation of its online monitoring network to measure environmental radiation levels, developed by Bertin Instruments, ensuring the safety of the population in the face of potential risks associated with nuclear facilities following natural events, accidents or attacks.

Bertin Environics Awarded with a Remarkable Seven Year Contract from Norwegian MoD Bertin Technologies 67547

Bertin Environics Awarded with a Remarkable Seven Year Contract from Norwegian MoD

03 May 2024

Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency (NDMA), awarded Bertin Environics with a new significant seven-year framework contract for the acquisition of CBRN Squad Kits.

Effects of dietary supplementation of lignocellulose-derived cello-oligosaccharides on growth performance, antioxidant capacity, immune response, and intestinal microbiota in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Bertin Technologies 67487

Effects of dietary supplementation of lignocellulose-derived cello-oligosaccharides on growth performance, antioxidant capacity, immune response, and intestinal microbiota in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

30 Apr 2024

In this article, find out the crucial importance of the Precellys Evolution homogenizer, which ensures precise homogenization of samples, facilitating in-depth research into the impact of feed supplements on rainbow trout physiology.


Bertin Technologies secures regional and national funding for the PACMANS Project: Advancing mirror technology for synchrotrons

22 Apr 2024

PACMANS, the Program for Absolute Surface Control of Mirrors at Nanometer Level for Synchrotrons, received funding from the Future Investment Program (PIA4), focusing on the Provence-Alpes Côte d’Azur region, under the ‘Collaborative R&D Projects’ category. The mission of PACMANS is to develop next-generation synchrotron X-ray mirrors that address the market’s growing needs for precision and performance.

Céline WOLF, Director of the Bertin Instruments Business Unit in charge of the Nuclear Market Bertin Technologies 67157

Céline WOLF, Director of the Bertin Instruments Business Unit in charge of the Nuclear Market

17 Apr 2024

Bertin Technologies is delighted to welcome Céline WOLF as Director of the Bertin Instruments Business Unit in charge of the Nuclear Market.

Revolutionize Your Drug Preformulation Workflows with the Precellys® Evolution Homogenizer! Bertin Technologies 67068

Revolutionize Your Drug Preformulation Workflows with the Precellys® Evolution Homogenizer!

15 Apr 2024

In a recent study in the European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Jochem Alsenz and Elisabeth Haenel present Precellys® Evolution homogenizer with Cryolys Evolution, a patent cooling system, as a versatile tool for improving preformulation processes in drug development.

The association between farm-level antimicrobial usage and resistance of Staphylococcus spp., as the major genus isolated from aerosol samples, in Japanese piggeries Bertin Technologies 67048

The association between farm-level antimicrobial usage and resistance of Staphylococcus spp., as the major genus isolated from aerosol samples, in Japanese piggeries

12 Apr 2024

Bacteria are present in large numbers in livestock buildings, and can threaten animal and public health. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major concern worldwide, and national measures based on the “One Health” approach are being implemented in many countries.

Assessing hair cortisol using the Precellys 24 Touch Bertin Technologies 66599

Assessing hair cortisol using the Precellys 24 Touch

28 Mar 2024

Cortisol is the stress hormone. This makes it an ideal biomarker for the study of long-term stress. Researchers suggest that the average concentration of cortisol in the hair of healthy, low-stress individuals is 55pg/mhair (range 40-128pg/mhair). In stressed individuals it is 250pg/mhair (range 182-520pg/mhair).

[ARTICLE] Kirsi Hedman and Julie Gay Share Their Journey at Bertin Technologies Bertin Technologies 66309

[ARTICLE] Kirsi Hedman and Julie Gay Share Their Journey at Bertin Technologies

20 Mar 2024

In a recent exclusive interview with DailyCSR, Kirsi Hedman, Business Unit Manager, and Julie Gay, HR Director, provide insights into their roles and perspectives within the Bertin Technologies Group.


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