Radiological Control for Pedestrians (RCP) - Bertin Technologies

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Radiological Control for Pedestrians (RCP)

Radiation Portal Monitor for pedestrian access control

RCP Radiation Portal Monitor allows the dynamic or static radiation monitoring of pedestrians walking in front of one or more detector/s.

It works in dynamic and static mode, assuring the best performance. RCP can manage several volumes of PVT detectors for Gamma radiation control, but also neutron detectors as an option. RCP is completely automatic, self-sufficient and suitable for application in harsh environments, indoor and/or outdoor.

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Radiological Control for Pedestrians (RCP)

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  • PVT (PoliVinyl Toluene) plastic scintillator, coupled with high-diameter PMT with low electronic noise


  • 2.5 – 5 – 25 Liters

Energy range:

  • from 30keV to 5MeV

Response time:

  • <1sec

Operative temperature range:

  • -20°C / +50°C

Power supply:

  • 110Vac / 220Vac

RCP is an easy-to-use portal monitor offering high reliability.

It allows accurate detection of low level artificial and natural radioactive contamination and orphan sources. The design is optimized for pedestrian control at entry/exit of sensitive areas.

Its integrated central unit can manage barriers, automatic doors, remote alarm signalators, etc. Thousands of RCPs are operative worldwide, underlining its advanced detection capabilities, fast response time and reliable continuous operating capacity 24/7.

RCP architecture benefits include:

  • low cost of ownership
  • easy maintenance
  • wide automation and easy operation.

Using large volume PVT plastic scintillator and high diameter PMT with low electronic noise, RCP ensures optimal detection sensitivity for Gamma rays with a fast response time. The counting rate is sampled each 100ms.

Several options are available, according to customer needs: barrier and traffic light management, remote supervision, SMS event notification, etc.

Reasons to choose Radiological Control for Pedestrians (RCP)

Large volume PVT detectors

Fast response time for early decision-making

Competitive cost of ownership

Superior protection grade

User-friendly, fully automatic, easy-to-maintain


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