RiumStick - Bertin Technologies



RiumStick is a portable connected Geiger-Müller survey meter for radioactivity detection.

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The RiumStick is a cutting-edge sensor that easily connects to a smartphone via USB or Bluetooth, allowing for precise measurement of radiation levels. Equipped with an energy-compensated Geiger-Muller tube, it effectively detects gamma and X-ray radiation, ensuring reliable and accurate results.

This device is calibrated to measure the ambient dose equivalent rate H*(10), making it ideal for use in medical environments such as nuclear medicine, medical research, radiology or oncology departments.

The RiumApp mobile application, available on Google Play Store, App Store, and Microsoft Store, enables intuitive use of the RiumStick with your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Additionally, the feature to send measurements to the RiumWeb platform can be activated upon request, providing comprehensive tracking and analysis of collected data. This connectivity and flexibility make the RiumStick an indispensable tool for monitoring radiation levels by automating measurements, their recordings and their locations easily.

With the RiumStick, healthcare professionals can effectively monitor radiation in real-time, ensuring the safety of both patients and medical staff. This innovative sensor represents a significant advancement in radioprotection, offering state-of-the-art technology at your fingertips.

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Detector: Energy-compensated Geiger-Müller
Types of radiation detected: Gamma, X-rays
Dose equivalent rate range (H*10): 0.05 µSv/h – 10 mSv/h
Energy range (y, X): 20keV- 7MeV

Angular response: <15% uncertainty over 360°. Dimensions: 130x28x28 mm
Weight: 72g
Temperature range: -20°C to +55°C

Protection index: IP54
Power supply: Battery: 3.7V – 500mAh – Charging 220V/5V; autonomy 8h/∞
Protocols: Bluetooth Low Energy; USB


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