Precellys Lysing kits - Bertin Technologies


Precellys Lysing kits

The Precellys lysing kits are dedicated to sample preparation for Precellys tissue homogenizers. They gather high quality material (glass, ceramic or stainless steel) and Dnase/Rnase free certification.

Optimize tissue lysis with the best materials

Efficient and high-quality homogenization of the tissues is essential before analyzing the molecules of interest. Precellys Lysing Kits are specifically designed by Bertin Instruments to be used with Precellys tissue homogenizers. After optimized tissue lysis, the extraction of nucleic acids (DNA extraction, RNA extraction) is perfected using the DNA- and RNA-free guarantee of Precellys lysing kits.

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Precellys Lysing kits

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Precellys lysing kits: fail-safe versatility

Precellys lysing kits are made of ceramic, glass, stainless steel or garnet, and are fabricated from high-quality materials. This, along with the different tube sizes available (0.3, 0.5, 2, 7 and 15 ml), provides great versatility for tissue homogenization. Over all, Bertin Instruments offers more than 30 different lysing matrices! The variety of Precellys lysing kits means that there is always a suitable solution for the homogenization of human, animal and plant tissues as well as microorganisms. Therefore, optimized homogenization reduces the processing time of the samples and consequently preserves the molecules of interest as much as possible while also ensuring an optimal recovered quantity. Choosing the right lysing kit for the tissue to be ground also limits the heating of the sample.

Choosing the right lysing kit for the tissue to be ground also limits the heating of the sample. Some types of samples require high energy grinding. This is the case for hair, bones, or plant seeds for example. In this context, the use of metal tubes ensures maximum tube strength in order to homogenize the samples as well as possible. In order to optimize the homogenization process of a given tissue, the Bertin Instruments Application Center helps you find the suitable protocol.

Protein Safe lysing kits: preserve proteins during tissue lysis

During the tissue homogenization, the initial inter- and intracellular compartmentalization is disrupted, releasing the enzymes directly in contact with their substrate. Proteases, which are usually responsible for protein degradation in the homogenized sample, are inhibited in Precellys Protein Safe Lysing Kits. The innovation of Bertin Instruments preserves the proteins in the samples and optimizes protein extraction to analyze them.

Reasons to choose Precellys Lysing kits

Full application support composed of more than 2,000 scientific documents based on user experiences to determine the best protocol for your samples.

Support is provided online 24/7 by our Application Center, or by our dedicated Application Specialists

With 30 different lysing kits available, Precellys is the most versatile range of homogenizers.

It allows users to homogenize, grind or lyse all sample types.

The easy-handling features allow the Precellys to be used without advanced training

10 years of expertise in sample preparation and more than 30,000 scientists who use the Precellys worldwide

A worldwide distribution network to support you wherever you are

Choose your Lysing Kit

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Type of beads
37 results

Protein Safe Soft tissue homogenizing CK14 – 2 mL

CAT. NO.: P000973-LYSK0-A.0

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Includes 50 preps of 1.4mm ceramic (zirconium oxide) beads and Protein Safe solution in 2mL standard tubes. CK14 Protein Safe 2mL is designed for soft tissue homogenization while ensuring inhibition of endogenous proteases activity. Sample size range from 20mg to 200mg tissue or 200µL to 1.6mL culture.

Soft tissue homogenizing CK14 – 0.5 mL

CAT. NO.: P000933-LYSK0-A

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Includes 50 preps of 1.4mm ceramic (zirconium oxide) beads in 0.5mL standard tubes. CK14 0.5mL is designed for soft tissue homogenization like brain, liver, kidney, artery, and more. Sample size range: from 1mg to 20mg tissue or 5µL to 200µL culture.

Hard tissue homogenizing CK28 – 2 mL

CAT. NO.: P000911-LYSK0-A

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Includes 50 preps of 2.8mm ceramic (zirconium oxide) beads in 2mL standard tubes. CK28 is designed for hard tissue homogenization like ear, lung, heart, spleen, tail, artery, Arabidopsis, leaves and more. Sample size range: from 20mg to 200mg tissue or 200µL to 1.6mL culture.

Soft tissue homogenizing CK14 – 2 mL

CAT. NO.: P000912-LYSK0-A

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Includes 50 preps of 1.4mm ceramic (zirconium oxide) beads in 2mL standard tubes. CK14 is designed for soft tissue homogenization like brain, liver, kidney, skin, plant leaves, mammalian cells and more. Sample size range: from 20mg to 200mg tissue or 200µL to 1.6mL culture.

Hard tissue homogenizing CK28-R – 2 mL

CAT. NO.: P000916-LYSK0-A

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Includes 50 preps of 2.8mm ceramic (zirconium oxide) beads in 2mL reinforced tubes. Custom design reinforced tubes for bead beating application: O’ring and reinforced materials for dry grinding, valuable or very hard samples. CK28-R is designed for hard tissue homogenization like ear, lung, heart, spleen, tail, cornea, artery, Arabidopsis, leaves, tumor, intestine, adipose tissue and more. Sample size range: from 20mg to 200mg tissue or 200µL to 1.6mL culture.

Tissue homogenizing CKMix - 2mL

Tissue homogenizing CKMix – 2 mL

CAT. NO.: P000918-LYSK0-A

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Includes 50 preps of ceramic (zirconium oxide) mix beads of 1.4mm and 2.8mm in 2mL standard tubes. CKMix is designed for tissue homogenization like brain, liver, kidney, ear, lung, heart, spleen, tail, artery, Arabidopsis, leaves, tumor, intestine, adipose tissue and more. Sample size range: from 20mg to 200mg tissue or 200µL to 1.6mL culture.

Tissue homogenizing CK28 – 7 mL

CAT. NO.: P000935-LYSK0-A

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Includes 50 preps of 1.4mm ceramic (zirconium oxide) beads in 0.5mL standard tubes. CK14 0.5mL is designed for soft tissue homogenization like brain, liver, kidney, artery, and more. Sample size range: from 1mg to 20mg tissue or 5µL to 200µL culture. Includes 50 preps of 2.8mm ceramic (zirconium oxide) beads in 7mL standard tubes with O-ring. CK28 7mL is designed for tissue homogenization like whole rat brain, whole liver, kidney, spleen, leaves and more. Sample size range: from 200mg to 2g tissue or 200µL to 6mL culture.

Soft tissue homogenizing CK14 – 7 mL

CAT. NO.: P000940-LYSK0-A

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Includes 50 preps of 1.4mm ceramic (zirconium oxide) beads in 7mL standard tubes with O-ring. CK14 7mL is designed for soft tissue homogenization like rat cerebellum, skin and more. Sample size range: from 200mg to 2g tissue or 200µL to 6mL culture.

Expert advice

Lucie T.

Field Application Specialist

"The specific mix of beads of the SK38 lysing kit is the most convenient to grind efficiently Microorganisms trapped in a complex sample matrix."

Lucie T.

Field Application Specialist

"For pancreas homogenization, I usually advise the CK-28 matrix. The 7mL and 15ml tubes allow to put the whole mice or rat pancreas in the tube which is very convenient."

Lucie T.

Field Application Specialist

"The 96WP format is very convenient to perform mice genotyping from tails."


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