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Reinforcing border control at the heart of the European Union’s priorities

Reinforcing border control at the heart of the European Union’s priorities Bertin Technologies 28574

On October 13th 2020, the ENTRANCE project on “EfficieNT Risk-bAsed iNspection of freight Crossing bordErs without disrupting business” was officially launched.

As a major stake for the Union’ state-members, the control of the European borders requires a constant evolution towards the technologies and systems used to establish it. Alongside drug and weapon trafficking, cigarette smuggling, etc., border customs are indeed facing new threats: counterfeit products, new psychoactive substances, sensitive dual-use technologies as well as nuclear and radioactive materials.

The detection and the inspection of high-risk shipments is therefore the utmost priority, as well as making sure that the circulation of legitimate goods is not slowed or disturbed. Taking both these objectives into account, ENTRANCE (EU funded) has been initiated by a consortium of 16 European partners, including Bertin, while being coordinated by the High Commission of Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies (CEA).

Within this project, Bertin brings its long-established expertise in radiation portal monitors (SaphyGATE G & GN) for homeland security applications. The SaphyGATE GN is a Gamma-Neutron detection system well adapted for Special Nuclear Material (SMN), and able to control vehicles, pedestrians, luggage & loads entering critical infrastructures (customs, borders, harbors, etc.).

Developed in partnership with the CEA, this new-generation portal offers higher performances to detect Gamma-Neutron radioactive sources without using 3He gas, by reducing significantly the false alarm rate compared to other classic systems. The SaphyGATE GN, with its ability to localize SNM, thus prevents the entry into the territory of materials that may compose “dirty bombs” and Radiological Dispersion Devices (RDD), hence ensuring homeland safety.

>>More on the ENTRANCE launching