[PRECELLYS] Chikungunya virus RNA and virus titration in Cynomolgus macaques spleen, muscle, liver, and joint tissue samples - Bertin Technologies

[PRECELLYS] Chikungunya virus RNA and virus titration in Cynomolgus macaques spleen, muscle, liver, and joint tissue samples

Sources: CEA, Division of Immuno-Virology/Institute of Emerging Diseases and Innovative Therapies (iMETI), Fontenay-aux-Roses, France


The Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a mosquito-borne alphavirus that induces in humans a disease characterized by fever, rash, and pain in muscles and joints. The aim of this study is to propose a new model for CHIKV infection in adult, immunocompetent cynomolgus macaques. CHIKV infection in these animals recapitulated the viral, clinical, and pathological features observed in human disease.



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