Quantification of Key Genes Steering the Microbial Nitrogen Cycle inthe Rhizosphere of Sorghum Cultivars in Tropical Agroecosystems - Bertin Technologies

Quantification of Key Genes Steering the Microbial Nitrogen Cycle inthe Rhizosphere of Sorghum Cultivars in Tropical Agroecosystems

Brigitte Hai,1* Ndeye He´le`ne Diallo,2 Saidou Sall,2 Felix Haesler,3 Kristina Schauss,1 Moussa Bonzi,4Komi Assigbetse,2 Jean-Luc Chotte,5 Jean Charles Munch,3 and Michael Schloter1
Sources: Helmholtz Zentrum Mu¨nchen, German Research Center for Environment,al Health, Department of Terrestrial Ecogenetics,Institute of Soil Ecology, Ingolsta¨dter Landstrasse 1, 8Environment4 Neuherberg, Germany1; Centre de Recherche IRD-ISRA de Bel Air, Laboratoire d’Ecologie Microbienne des Sols et Agrosyste`mes Tropicaux, Route des Hydrocarbures, BP 1386,CP 18524 Dakar, Se´ne´gal2; Technical University Munich, Chair of Soil Ecology, Ingolsta¨dter Landstrasse 1, 8Environment4 Neuherberg, Germany3; Centre Re´gional pour l’Eau Potable et l’Assainissement a` Faible Coutˆ, Sie`ge Re´gional, BP 7112, Ouagadougou 03, Burkina Faso4; and SeqBio-IRD Ensam, 2 Place Viala, Baˆtiment 12, 34060 Montpellier Cedex 2, France5
APPLIED AND Environment,AL Microbiology,, Aug. 2009, p. 4993-5000 Vol. 75, No. 150099-2240/09/$08.00 0 doi:10.1128/AEM.02917-08

Sample name

Soil sample (Rhizosphere)


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