RNA extraction from ixoidid ticks with Precellys24 - Bertin Technologies

RNA extraction from ixoidid ticks with Precellys24

Sources: Korean J parasitol vol.52,No. 2:217-220, April 2014


Tick-borne disease surveillance is becoming increasingly important as zoonotic tick-borne pathogens are recognized to affect man and wild and domestic animals worldwide. Dragging vegetation for questing ticks are often employed where ticks are present and provides information on habitats and seasonal life stage distributions.
The purpose of the present study was to provide estimates of the distribution of life cycle stages during periods when ixoidid ticks are active and their infection status with SFTS virus.
The Precellys24 has been used to extract RNA from pools of ticks larvae, nymphs and adults in order to examine the infection status with severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) virus using RT-PCR.


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