[PRECELLYS] Total cathepsin protein activity measurement in atlantic salmon muscle - Bertin Technologies

[PRECELLYS] Total cathepsin protein activity measurement in atlantic salmon muscle

Sources: Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences (IHA), Norwegian University of Life sciences (UMB) & Nofima Mat - Norway


Our research aims at studying quality of fish as food. Enzyme activity measurement allows to evaluate potential fish muscle Degradation, both pre- and postmortem. Total cathepsin B activity was measured in salmon muscle homogenates to evaluate the influence of different length of pre-slaughter crowding stress (Non-Stress (NS), Short-term Stress (SS) and Long-term Stress (LS)), on fish fillet quality [1].


[1] Bahuaud D. et al., Food Chemistry (2009),doi:10.1016 /j.foodchem.2009.05.028


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