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SaphyRAD MS, multiprobe military survey meter designed for the fight against radioactive contaminations


The SaphyRAD MS is the latest multi-probe survey meter designed for operations in harsh environment, to be used on military fields or by hazmat teams.

Its wide range of dose rate meter and external smart probes cover the needs of all army corps for source & hot spot search and contamination measurement. Through its embedded simulation mode, users can train in real conditions without using any radioactive sources. The SaphyRAD MS’ ruggedized design has been specially thought for use with CBRN protective clothing. Its easy-to-use interface allows for a quick use even by non-radiation specialists.

With the development of this new military survey meter, Bertin strengthens its existing offer in CBRN threat detection, suppling proprietary systems for all chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear detection & identification dedicated to armed forces and civil security bodies (rapid intervention teams, public health and emergency services).

The SaphyRAD MS is the result of two years of research and development. It is currently in beta test by the French Army. An important production is planned by Bertin from the end of 2018.

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