RiumBox : Innovation for dosimetry monitoring - Bertin Technologies

RiumBox : Innovation for dosimetry monitoring


Individual Dosimetry Monitoring (IDM) is crucial to ensuring the safety of workers exposed to radiation, particularly in professional environments such as hospitals. Indeed, healthcare professionals are regularly exposed to ionizing radiation, requiring careful monitoring to ensure that doses received do not exceed regulatory limits and do not affect their health.
In this context, the Sud-Manche Hospital in France, major actors in the “Groupe Hospitalier Mont Saint-Michel”, which groups together seven establishments in this coastal region, are actively committed to offering quality care while guaranteeing the safety of its employees. With more than 2,000 professionals mobilized, the hospitals strive to guarantee equitable access to care, while remaining close to the population. To ensure this safety, our sites invest in innovative practices, particularly in the field of radiation protection.
A major challenge identified at these centers concerns the use of quarterly passive dosimeters. Data analysis shows that very few classified workers (30 in radiology and 90 in operating theatres) receive significant doses (passive dosimeter detection threshold not reached or very low quarterly dose). However, managing these passive dosimeters requires a considerable investment of time on the part of the radiation protection advisor (RPA), who often performs this function in parallel with his or her initial position (MERM, IBODE…). This raises questions about their relevance within the current organizational framework.
In this context, the hospitals have chosen to equip themselves with the RiumBox developed by Bertin Technologies and, after consultation with the Works Council and the occupational health department, to tackle the downgrading of its staff, who are currently at very low risk. A total of 28 beacons have been installed in the various departments of the Sud-Manche Hospital. These devices have been installed in 5 radiology rooms, 5 operating theatres and 2 scanners rooms, enabling real-time monitoring of ionizing radiation and optimizing radiological surveillance of low-exposure workers.


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