Bertin Health & Life Sciences was very pleased to present this webinar, in partnership with Select Science, to help you optimize your DNA and RNA extraction processes and simplify your life in the lab using Precellys!

Molecular biology techniques such as qPCR and NGS have become a must-have step for most biological studies and their publication. As a result, obtaining the highest quality nucleic acids, in terms of purity, yield, or fragment size, is crucial to allow these techniques to be efficiently performed. However, starting from complex biological material implies that many challenges must be overcome.

In this replay, you will:

  • Learn how to challenge and improve your DNA/RNA sample preparation
  • Discover the advantages of 3D-bead-beating technology for the extraction and protection of high-quality nucleic acids
  • Learn different ways to homogenize samples for DNA and RNA extraction
  • Explore some uses cases

The replay is available on demand!

Any questions? Contact our experts!